Give your back a break,

Get yourself a NutHarvester

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Make Nut Cracking easy with a Handcranked Nutcracker

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Welcome to Lourdan Grove


Have you still some harvesting to do?

Lourdan Grove was the name of my parents North Canterbury lifestyle block where, up until mid 2016, they grew, harvested and processed olives and walnuts.

It was this interest in the nut industry in New Zealand that led my father,  Alan to research and then import the nut harvester into New Zealand, as well as introducing the Lourdan Nut Cracker to the market which is proudly locally manufactured. We have recently added two further products from our US suppliers, the Pine Cone Collector and the Pistol Brass Collector.  These harvesters are great for golf balls, tennis balls and even lego!

Steve Rosling